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英国雷马介绍(British Rema)

信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-19 13:00:31 | 浏览量:1266467







菲利普斯窑服务 另外一个成员雷马集团的菲利普斯,菲利普斯窑(欧洲)有限公司提供技术维修服务,为轮胎安装在旋转过程中的船只,包括壳椭圆度和线形分析,轮胎和滚子重铺,供应和安装的备件工业回转窑,冷却机,烘干机和类似设备的运营商。


Founded in 1927, British Rema was an early pioneer in the field of particle size reduction and size control specialising in milling, micronising and classification. Over 50 years the company developed its own range of proprietary equipment, introducing early versions of the jet mill and various air classification systems, and extending its applications beyond the traditional mineral processing markets into fine chemicals, food and pharmaceuticals to a world-wide customer base.

In the 1970s British Rema introduced its contract processing service to provide customers with a practical alternative to acquiring their own capital equipment when their volume needs were one-off, small or intermittent. Demand meant that this service quickly developed to the point where many customers with complex or specialist requirements outsourced their entire production to the British Rema facility.

In the 1980s British Rema developed a range of its own micronised materials produced to the tightly-controlled size distributions required by today’s industrial chemical and mineral industries, which its Chemical Sales Division now markets internationally.

In 2007 British Rema acquired Powder Technology Ltd, a company supplying a complementary range of processing equipment such as dryers and mixers. This has been fully integrated into the product range and allows our engineers to address a much broader range of industrial particle processing applications as well as integrated containment systems when the products are sensitive or hazardous.

Originally a subsidiary of the well-known Sheffield-based engineering group, Edgar Allen, British Rema has been an independent private company since 1980 and is a member of Phillips Rema Group.

Phillips Kiln Services Also a member of the Phillips Rema Group, Phillips Kiln Services (Europe) Ltd provides technical maintenance services for tyre-mounted rotary process vessels including shell ovality and alignment analyses, tyre and roller re-surfacing, and the supply and installation of spare parts to operators of industrial rotary kilns, coolers, dryers and similar equipment.

Phillips' engineers work closely with British Rema providing site service support and specialist industry knowledge for the repair and maintenance of heavy equipment, especially large-scale ball mills and classsifiers.

英国雷马提供了一系列的干燥设备,以适应多种不同的工业过程中的应用,从造粒,混合搅拌,到专业应用,如粉状颗粒物,悬浮物和聚合物的治疗。 选择干燥设备的正确设计,当一个产品正在制定确保流动的产品和产品的收集有关的问题^小化,材料,有效地干燥,输送,排放和运输。




流化床干燥机 特别是适合于在温和的干燥的自由流动的,敏感的,粒状物,如食品,药品和化学品。

圆锥式干燥机 锥形(或垂直)干衣机可用于在很宽的范围内的应用程序从干式混合的香料混合聚酯分散体,化学品,涂料,化妆品,食品,药品和塑料。真空和非真空的设计是如果需要的话,可允许干燥或脱气。

循环空气干燥箱 采用加热介质的范围内,这种类型的烘箱是特别适合于干燥化学品和药物,以及用于加热,回火和灭菌操作。

British Rema offers a range of drying equipment to suit many different industrial process applications from granulation, mixing and blending, to specialist applications such as the treatment of powdered particulates, suspensions and polymers. Selection of the correct design of drying equipment when a product is being formulated ensures that issues relating to flow of product and product collection are minimized and that material is effectively dried, conveyed, discharged and transported.

British Rema’s understanding of a wide range of materials and their formulations means that we can advise on the correct form of drying operation, from gentle, circulating air dryers to fluid bed and vacuum drying where the specific characteristics of a particle’s physical behaviour, its rheology, or its chemistry must be preserved.

Vacuum Dryers

Suitable for the gentle drying of sensitive materials, this category of dryer requires lower temperatures for the evaporation of water (or other solvents ) due to near vacuum conditions within the dryer.

Fluid Bed Dryers Especially suited to the gentler drying of free-flowing, sensitive, granular materials such as foods, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

Conical Dryers Conical (or vertical) dryers can be used in a wide range of applications from the dry blending of spices to the blending of polyester dispersions, chemicals, coatings, cosmetics, foods, pharmaceuticals and plastics. Vacuum and non-vacuum designs are available to permit drying or de-aeration if required.

Circulating Air Drying Ovens Employing a range of heating media, this type of oven is particularly suitable for drying chemical and pharmaceutical products, as well as for heating, tempering and sterilization operations.

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