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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-21 16:16:51 | 浏览量:1266892


MF010 - MF600锥形螺杆真空干燥机


的BOLZ SUMMIX锥形螺杆机和混合器都使用的尝试和受信任的系统的一个旋转的,自撑式的混合螺杆。它仅在顶部安装到旋转的旋转臂,它的移动尽可能接近沿所述容器的壁,从而保证了密集的,但温和的混合粉末和其他的,具有可比性的散装货物。

完整的驱动器单元的由臂和螺杆,位于顶部和内盖集中的单独的马达的驱动系统的组成。易维护性和可交换性的系统的标准化和设计的BOLZ SUMMIX锥形搅拌机和干衣机的主要规格之一。

我们的模块化和碳粉盒的密封件和轴承的结构,再加上坚固的结构,驱动器和旋转臂,确保^大的可用性和^小的停机时间。驱动原理的实现可以是由一个伞齿轮或皮带传动装置。两者都是成熟的技术已被用于许多已安装的系统中取得了巨大成功。每一个设计都有自己的特色,自己的优势和广泛的应用。 锥齿轮传动

从螺杆电机的力传递到螺杆发生通过一个轴和伞齿轮。 安全室泄漏指标 传统上可靠的伞齿轮施工 选项:混合螺杆可以被加热,以减少干燥时间,以避免存款。


力施加到螺杆的传动装置,发生通过臂和一个无油的传动皮带的上端处。 具有一个容易交换的,模块化的,预安装的墨盒的密封和存储。 高速低转矩的原则 选项:系统密封在容器外


惰 在填写任何溶剂,湿产品的锥形螺杆机设备用氮气惰化。这消除了所有的氧气和担保,机内的爆炸性气体环境下安全地避免。


惰性的干燥机,离心湿或布氏漏斗过滤器的湿产物(如蛋糕,固体或粉末)之后被填充到干燥器 烘干 以提高干燥效率,烘干机内的压力可能下降到^大真空水平在步骤6.9.3往返与一个适当的温度加热。整个机通过加热夹克加上了激烈的螺丝选项。 在干燥过程中的搅拌器以可变速度操作,并保持在运动中的产品。被保持在真空下的干燥机,加热的^大的不加批判地产品的温度,直到所请求的^终LOD层次来实现。 冷却

当干燥过程完成时,干燥的产品被冷却到可接受的排出温度。 排出

干冷的产品是通过底部排出阀排出到一个bin,容器或输送系统中,通过重力,通过搅拌螺杆和臂而不留下残余物在高收率协助。 清洗/ CIP


Conical Screw Vacuum Dryer MF010 - MF600      Drive concepts for the conical screw dryer

The BOLZ-SUMMIX conical screw dryer and mixer both use the tried and trusted system of a rotating, self-supporting mixing screw. It is only attached at the top to a rotating swivel arm, which moves it as close as possible along the walls of the container, thus ensuring intensive but gentle mixing of both powders and other, comparable bulk goods.

The complete drive unit consists of a drive system with separate motors for the arm and the screw, located at the top and centrally within the lid.  The easy maintenance and exchangeability of the systems was one of the main specifications for the standardisation and design of the BOLZ-SUMMIX conical mixers and dryers.

Our modular and cartridge constructions for seals and bearings, together with the robust construction of the drive and swivel arm, ensure maximum availability and minimum downtime. The drive principle can be implemented either by means of a bevel gear or a belt drive. Both are proven technologies that have been used with great success in many installed systems. Each design has its own, special characteristics, its own advantages and a wide range of applications. Bevel gear drive

The transmission of force from the screw motor to the screw takes place via a shaft and bevel gears. Safety chamber with leakage indicator Traditionally reliable bevel gear construction Option: The mixing screw can be heated to reduce the drying time and to avoid deposits.

Belt drive

The transmission of force to the screw takes place via an arm and an oil-free drive belt at the upper end. With an easily exchanged, modular, pre-mounted cartridge for sealing and storage. The principle of a high speed with a low torque Option: System sealing outside the container

Process steps:

Inerting Before filling any solvent wet products into the Cone screw dryer the equipment is inerted with nitrogen. This eliminates all oxygen and guaranties, that an explosive atmosphere inside the dryer is safely avoided.


After inerting the dryer, a centrifuge wet or nutsche-filter wet product (like cake, solid or powder) is filled into the dryer Drying To increase drying efficiency, the pressure inside the dryer may be ramped down to maximum vacuum level in steps whilst heated with an appropriate temperature. The entire dryer is heated via jackets plus the option of a heated screw. During drying the agitator is operated at variable speed and keeps the product in motion. The dryer is kept under vacuum and heated with the maximum uncritical product temperature, till the requested final LOD level is achieved. Cooling

When the drying process is finished, the dry product is cooled down to an acceptable discharge temperature. Discharge

The dry and cold product is discharged via the bottom discharge valve into a bin, container or conveying system by gravity, assisted by agitation of the screw and arm without leaving residues at a high yield. Cleaning/CIP

For cleaning the equipment internals between individual batches, or before a product change, fix welded or retractable spray nozzles will spray a cleaning liquid to the entire inner dryer surfaces. All product exposed or contaminated surfaces are wetted, washed down and rinsed with cleaning liquids or water. This guaranties an efficient and total cleaning of the fully contained dryer internals.

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